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Term Dates

Spring Term : Tuesday 05 January 2021 - Wednesday 31 March 2021

Half term: Monday 15 February 2021 - Friday 19 February 2021


Easter Holidays: Thursday 01 April 2021 - Friday 16 April 2021


Dates to be confirmed (if COVID situation improves)


Latest Information:

Due to the continuing COVID-19 pandemic, we want to reassure you that all pre-cautions are taken in the nursery, e.g. following a strict cleaning regime. We adhere to strict Government's guidelines. All children attending has their temperature taken before allowed entry everyday. We have posters displayed to emphasize the rules to be followed by all parents and visitors to the nursery.

We must all take responsibility in order that this virus be curbed so we thank everyone for being patient, co-operating with us to keep everyone safe.








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